Thursday 2-23-2023 5pm Update


A couple of pictures from the cleanup..

The sidewalk back to the deck was deeper than the snout on my little Honda thrower. The little beast ate right through it.

My Starlink antenna heater did the job. There were droplets on the panel from the melted snow. It was drifted in though.



It continued to snow today and we picked up a couple more inches. When I was out snowblowing the first driveway I consistently measured about a foot. There were places slightly more or less but it is about a foot.

Drifted areas are a different story. My deck probably has at least 18″ from the drifting snow accumulating from the roof. I would say that the drift in front of my truck is about 16″.

Most of my pictures didn’t turn out good. (Crappy phone!!) This one shows the snow 2″ higher than the tires on my 8hp snowblower.

Iron Snowshoe did re-open the trails and sent the groomers out. We will be able to ride this weekend.

There is a disturbance possible for Friday night that could bring another inch.

The storm for Monday still looks like a real beast and it still looks like snow. The GFS and European models are pretty much in lockstep on how that will go and it is very much in our favor. Right now the Euro is showing a 10-12″ snow and a very strong storm.

I like to let the models ‘settle down’ a little bit after a big storm like yesterday’s, but right now they agree on the Monday storm and I like what they say. Shorter term models like the NAM aren’t quite reaching the storm yet. The latest NAM run shows a big storm forming down by the Gulf of Mexico, but that is where the scope of that model ends.

Anyway.. we will be able to ride this weekend. There will be some early season stuff where the trails melted all of the way down, but hey, we can ride.

I have about 4 more hours of snowblowing to do so I am going to run along. I will work on a weekend event list at some point.




Greetings and welcome!

Because of the howling winds during the storm I don’t think that we ever will get a straight answer on how much snow fell. Out in my driveway I repeatedly measured 8″, but on the deck and in front of the truck was easily a foot. I will get a better look once I go and start clearing it.

There is still one more wave of the storm to go. The TV weather buddy says that we could see another 4″ by early afternoon.