Greetings and welcome!
3pm- My pictures on the noon update were about the peak of it. It never did add up to white ground. Now it is just misty and foggy out.
Noon update- It is too warm out now (36) for the snow to accumulate on the grass or most surfaces. I don’t see it adding up to anything unless we get a heavy wave of it or something. Mostly it is just wet outside.
1030am- We have a little light snow falling this morning. So far it is mostly a dusting. Some of the more generous forecasts had us for up to 2″, but now it looks like we will be lucky to see an inch.
Yesterday I saw that parts of Townsend Flowage and the bay by Landing 11 on Caldron Falls had some pretty good ice progressing. It was only about 3/8-1/2″ thick, but it was still there in the afternoon.
I have a much more involved report in progress that I started yesterday, and I will have some pictures of the draw down on Townsend Flowage and the ice on that and Caldron.
I will be back at that soon. Today is wood splitter day and I have to make good use of it before it goes back. Mostly I wanted to update on today’s snow.