11-4-2022 A New Look

In the new theme you need to click on the title of the post to take you to that page. I’m Working on it.

A few days ago I had the PHP software on one of my servers updated. Apparently this version isn’t very tolerant of old or depredicated code. At that point I had the site go down, throw error messages, and a whole crapstorm of problems. The archives on this server go back to 2009, and some content is from as far back as 1998. There is plenty to debug.

One of the things that crashed & burned is the theme of the website. It was old and outdated anyway, but I hadn’t really planned on changing the look of the web site today. This theme was a quick pick and may or may not stay.

Anyway we have a new look and you may see some error messages. Not to worry, we’ll figure it out. We always do.

Have a good fall and thank you for visiting!