Greetings and welcome!
About an inch of new snow fell overnight according to my front step measurement. A FB friend said that there was closer to 2″ by her a dozen miles south of here, and that roads were getting slippery. Over the course of the day we could see a little freezing drizzle and possibly another inch of snow. The NWS was calling for a high temp in the 24-29 range, but it is only 11 degrees as of 1pm.
Tomorrow looks interesting. There is another inch of snow possible, and we are looking at forecast highs in the low 30s. Later the winds are expected to pick up to 20-30mph. Saturday night the temp craters to the zero to -5 range, but the winds will keep up, bringing wind chills in the -25 range after midnight.
That is when the bottom falls out. Sunday we are looking at a hi/low of +5/-10 with some wind, and -15 wind chills. Monday we are looking at 0/-15, and Tuesday +5/-10. Wednesday we could see +10, and by Thursday the high temp returns to the low 20s.
The part that I like is just outside of the 7 day NWS forecast. That would be a bigger storm for about next Friday. It isn’t a perfect storm, but it could bring 6″ plus. At a week out it is just a pleasant cartoon, but at least there is finally a glimmer of hope.
Here are this weekend’s events-
Jan. 19 | High Falls Flowage at Town of Stephenson Park – Boat Landing #3 | High Falls Snowmobile Radar Run Sponsored by the Twin Bridge Water Ski Team. Food & refreshments – Call 715-927-3299 for further information |
Jan 19-20 | State of Wisconsin | Free Winter Fishing Weekend Free fishing for residents and non-residents on all Wisconsin Waterways |
Jan. 19 | Wouters Front II White Potato Lake |
Annual White Potato Lake Fishing Derby 8am – 3pm – Food and refreshments, raffles and prizes for largest fish. sponsored by the White Potato Lake Sportsmen’s Club |
3rd Annual Brent Rosner Memorial Snowmobile Ride (by sled or by car)
Poker Run Registration: 9:00am – 10:30am at North Chase Bar & Grill or at Water’s Edge on Anderson Lake in Suring
Final Destination: 2:00pm – 4:00pm – Water’s Edge – Anderson Lake
Bucket Raffles – Silent Auction – 50/50 Raffle – Starting Approximately 5:00pm
Music – Food – Refreshments
Snowmobiles Not Required
For Details & Donations:
Email –
Facebook – Brent Rosner Memorial Ride
Call – 920-655-2472 (Jeff Rosner)
-920-655-0235 (Kyle Rosner)
Fb page
Time: 4pm-11pm (Dinner to start at 5:30)
Location: Rapids Resort W14091 CTY Rd. C Silver Cliff WI, 54104
Benefit Donation: $20.00 Entry Fee
-the $20.00 entry fee will include dinner and 6 tickets to use for the raffles!!!
-Ages 6-12 = $10.00
-Family (of 4) = $ 35.00Food, Music, 50/50 raffles, bucket raffle, Paddle Wheel, and Gun Raffle; done by the Old Men & Liars Fishermen’s Club
I am planning on being at the benefit for Dale later Saturday. There will be a lot going on there, including a live band later. I would expect the place to be packed and a lot of fun going on for a good cause.
If you are in the green Bay area this weekend there is an antique snowmobile event at Wisconsin International Raceway in Kaukauna- the WIR Vintagefest Show/Swap/Auction.
The snow today opened up a few riding opportunities for the weekend. The couple of inches of snow will offer the chance of some lake riding and maybe some sheltered forest roads. Before the snow the lakes were almost bare.
Yesterday one of my site visitors asked where a guy could trailer to and find good trails. Looking at the snow cover maps it looked pretty grim throughout WI and the UP. Even the Keewenaw Peninsula only has 14-17″ on the ground, and most of the UP had much less.
I saw on FB that Dan & Dylan had found some promising trails in Paradise MI, about 60 miles west of the Soo. They had a lot of base survive the big melt, and lake effect snow was starting to add up. ( Would someone please get that horrible Eddie Money Geico commercial out of my head?!!)
As far as system-wide riding, a couple of fluffy inches won’t heal trails that were melted down to dirt or gravel, and a lot of club’s trails remain closed. It is a start, but not quite enough.
Anyway, there are some riding opportunities if you want to take to the lakes and sheltered forest trails. The wind and cold from Saturday on will get the lake effect snow started in the UP that could add up to a couple of feet in places, and next week there is hope for a storm late week. The door isn’t closed on Winter just yet in spite of our couple of weeks off. In the meantime there are some good events locally this weekend.
Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!