Friday January 27th, 2012


It was NOT supposed to be 41 & sunny today

But it is.

The roof of the wood house is dripping fast as the snow is melting off. I can’t imagine that marginal trails are doing any better, and it is no doubt going to eat some of the ice base off of the roads. This is going to change conditions a lot, especially on roads and high traffic and thin trails.

Right now my recommendation is to ride north of 8 and west of 32 starting at about Townsend or Carter.The warm sunny day can’t be good on the marginal or just good enough trails that I rode yesterday around Silver Cliff and toward Lakewood.

I am expecting a lot of people this weekend based on my stat counter. If it isn’t a record week for hits it is very close to it. Having a big melt on Friday afternoon is a disaster.

There is a chance of snow tonight, with the NWS looking for 2-3 out of a small system that will bring colder temps for the weekend. Can we believe it? Looking at the models 2-3 might be on the high side.

To be continued..


Greetings and welcome!

The word hot off of the trail is that Lakewood past Waubee Lake is getting rocky, the same goes for the RR grade south of about Valley Inn. Go north & west of Valley Inn or head for Goodman and do the same. You can ride south of there, but based on my stat counter a lot of people are planning rides this weekend. Those marginal trails will get beat fast.

More to follow later.