Greetings and welcome!
It is over. The GFS is showing winter returning for a couple of weeks from St Patties Day toward the end of the month complete with snow and cold, but unless we get a whole bunch of it, it will be too little too late.
At this point the frost is coming out of the ground and the mud is a foot deep. There are puddles, large and small, and the sun is warm. Even if we got a whole bunch of snow, the ground under it is like Jello, so I doubt that trails would reopen. I know, I know, never say never.
We knew that we were in for a big ElNino this winter, and that those usually end badly for snowmobilers. We can add this one to the tally. I -am- expecting a very different winter next year.
Unfortunately, it is now time to get out the StarTron and fogging oil, and thank you all very much for your support. Have a good summer, and thank you for visiting!