Greetings and welcome!
It looks like it is time to put a terrible winter season to rest and head over to my summer blogging home at .
I would like to thank everyone that visited the site this year. When it did snow we smashed previous hit count records by more than double.
I especially want to thank the people that generously hit the tip cup and donated to the cause. I couldn’t do this without your support. Some of you were very generous and that really helped in what was otherwise a terrible winter for snow, for work, and gas prices. It was great to have a flurry of donations come in right before the last snow, which financed the Florence ride. Thank you very much to all that sponsored and donated to the Big Snow Page.
This season was very unusual with the lack of snow, the lack of bitter cold, and the rude and abrupt ending. I was expecting a wild ride with a lot of snow and cold, but the La Nina and Arctic Oscillation had other ideas. The La Nina sent storms that dumped snow on the west coast and the Rockies, and left us with weak played out storms. The AO kept the really cold air up by the north pole, and the northern jet stream along with it. The end result was one of the worst seasons in my time, but at least you could find a ride to the north & west.
This March has been a very unusual one for me. Usually I starve in March and April, but this year I have so much work that I can’t keep up. Believe me, that is not a complaint..
Now the warm weather has Kosir’s opening the rafting season three weeks early, adding to the chaos. We start rafting this Saturday. I went down to the river today and it is cranking pretty good. Thankfully our watershed is from up by Crandon where they actually had a little snow this year.
At any rate, things are starting to change quickly and I am going to wrap it up here and start blogging on the Silvercliff site a couple of days a week. Thank you to everyone that visited this year, and a huge thank you goes out to the people that supported me financially. Thank you all very much.
Have a good summer and thank you for visiting!