Monday 12-2-19

Greetings and welcome!

The area is very pretty today with all of the snow flocking the trees.

The roads are snow covered and slippery.

When I went back home this afternoon I measured a solid 12″ of new snow near C & F in Silver Cliff. My picnic table that had not been disturbed at all measured 16.5″.

The past two storms brought down a lot of trees and caused a lot of power outages. The clubs are going to need time to clear all of the fallen trees from the trail and pan the snow down into a base. They are asking people not to ride until they have had a chance to get the trails into shape.

There is plenty of snow but the trails are closed and the lakes are not ready. We will get there.

I want to remind you that this Saturday is the N.E.W. Low Buck Vintage Riders 16th Annual Vintage Snowmobile SHOW and SWAP

DEC 7- Vintage Snowmobile Show and Swap

Hosted by New Low Buck Vintage Riders Snowmobile Club

Middle Inlet Fire Dept. at Hwy 141 and County Rd. X
Registration at 8 AM
NEWLBVR Club Bucket Raffle drawings at 2:00 PM
Trophy Ceremony at 2:30 PM
Breakfast served from 7-11
Lunch served beginning at 11 AM
Beverages available on site.
Food & beverages provided by the Middle Inlet Fire Dept. Auxiliary as a fund raiser.
Free admission for spectators.
That is news for today. Tomorrow I will try to remember to put the camera into the truck. I kicked myself 20 times today that I forgot it.
Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting.