Monday March 13th, 2023

Greetings and welcome!

Looking out of the window the recent snow looks like it added up to four or five inches. It could be a little more, I will know once I get out there to clean up the driveway. The TV news this morning showed a lot more snow west and south of here. The closest total that they showed was Antigo with 10″. The most snow was south and/or west of Green Bay. I think that the highest total that I saw was almost 13″.

We have a couple of sunny days coming up and the sun is trying to peek out of the overcast this afternoon. I don’t expect sunny spots to last the week. People over the weekend reported getting good miles in on nice trails to the north and west, there were just some sunny spots to avoid.

There is a storm coming up late week that is a big fat question mark. One thing that is consistent is that it is a big storm with a lot of moisture. At one point the Euro model was showing a 12-16″ snowfall. Right now it is showing a lot of rain followed by some snow. In one form it was almost all rain.

If we had a big storm Thursday and Friday we could get another weekend. If it is an inch plus of rain and above 40 temperatures our season would be washed away.

A lot of people ask if the trails have to close on March 15th. No they don’t. That is up to the clubs, county alliances, and other authorities. Generally if the conditions warrant the trails can stay open until the end of the month and beyond. It is unusual to be open past March. I recall one year that we rode on April 15th.

As the month progresses the sun gets really evil and you either need to ride the deep forests or be here the day after it snows. You all know the story of when I bought my land in late March of  ’98 and the sun ate a foot of fresh snow by lunchtime.

That’s it for right now. Have a good Monday and thank you for visiting!