Saturday 1-25-2020

Greetings and welcome!

It is a beautiful scene that appeared when I opened my curtains this morning. The snow is stuck to everything making quite the picture.

Yesterday it did a lot more drizzling than snowing. I had about 2″ of snow on the truck in the morningĀ  I was in or south of Crivitz most of the day, and where I was it was mostly mist or drizzle. It continued on the way home last night making roads sloppy, and in some spots icy. At some point it turned to snow overnight. The snow stuck to all things wet and made it pretty this morning.

The deck was cleared off Thursday night. It looks like about 4″ of snow since.

We are looking at a high of 35 today with some snow or drizzle, whichever way that it decides to go.

With warm temperatures and fresh wet snow don’t be surprised to see some whoopties form on the trail.

I will be at Rapids this afternoon from 1-4 and maybe a little later. Stop in and get your picture taken. If I don’t ask you please ask me. I like doing it. It gives me a break and I get to go and meet people.

The Paul Bunyan Club is having their big Snow Fun Weekend at Waubee Lodge today. They have an any lake fishing contest as well as raffles and a meat raffle this afternoon. That starts at 1pm.

The radar runs on High Falls was cancelled today due to bad ice conditions. They have spread it far and wide that the High Falls Fish-O-Rama and radar runs on Feb 8th will not be cancelled even if they have to put the big tent on the boat landing. Mark that date on your calendars.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!