Greetings and welcome!
The word on the street is that the trails that were not destroyed by the sun are in decent shape. Roads and road shoulders are ugly, as are sunny or previously thin spots. Areas sheltered from the sun fared a lot better.
See Dan Guendert’s comment on yesterday’s post.
We have a little snow heading our way today. The NWS says a half inch. The radar shows that the 1/2″ might be generous, at the moment most of the snow is south of us. At least it would hide some of the ugly and offer more cooling and slide lube.
There is snow expected Sunday afternoon through Tuesday. The forecast has us for 4″ by mid-day Monday and more Monday night and Tuesday.
I am going to be at Rapids this afternoon from noon until ?? Stop in and get a picture of your group for the web site.
Have a good Saturday and thank you for visiting!