Sunday December 30, 2012

Greetings and welcome!


It was another fun day at the Rapids Resort. The people were great even if the game wasn’t. Thank you to the people that stopped in and made the day a good time.

It was a fun weekend overall. Riders were in good spirits and enjoying the trails. The Yeti even got kissed.

A little while ago a Rider named Matt Goodman posted a cool GoPro video with footage that he took around the area this weekend and posted a link in the comments below. It is cool stuff, I encourage you to take a look. Here is a direct link. Thanks for sharing Matt!

Here are some pictures.. as always you can click them and make them bigger.




I am back at Rapids Resort to meet snowmobilers and watch football. I already have a few pictures to share, some from last night and more from today.





It looks like we are headed for a pretty fun day around here if the current group is any indication. I should probably issue the severe tavern warnings now.

It looks like the trails held up pretty well to yesterday’s traffic, and as the pic shows, Iron Snowshoe groomed last night.

If you are in the neighborhood, stop in and visit and get your picture on the net!