Greetings and welcome!
We have some area trail closures. As of now the Iron Snowshoe trails and the Near North trails are closed. Ranger City will close tomorrow, and Langlade County will close Saturday.
Paul Bunyan has several closed or re-routed Trails due to high water, and the Bob Kroll trail west of Townsend is in bad shape where it was plowed.
Grooming has stopped because the packing snow just clogs up in the groomer drag.
In my travels today I saw a lot of trails that held up well, and some that were plowed that didn’t look good at all. Roads are breaking up pretty bad. It looks a lot like March or April around here.
Between the warm forecast for the next four days and the forecast of 1 to 2 inches of rain Saturday and Sunday I am kind of glad that they closed trails. The warm weather, the rain, and some traffic would grind a pretty nice base right into the mud. Hopefully the base will soak up the rain and freeze into a cement ice base that we can ride on for a while.
After the wet weekend the GFS model is showing the storm kind of looping around Lake Michigan and coming back at us as snow for Monday and Tuesday. My guess is a 2-4″ snow. Behind that is a cold week and a clipper storm for a little snow next weekend (1-5-2020). The following Friday (1-10-2020) could bring a much bigger storm.
The picnic table measured a foot today down from 17-18″ before the warm weather. Here are before and after pictures of the camper roof and picnic table. The snow dropping away from the picnic table seats tell a story.
Pictures from my travels today.
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The best news that I have is that it is going to get cold and snow next week. This weekend looks pretty shot. I do not know if I will work at Rapids Saturday afternoon since there won’t be any snowmobilers. Usually I don’t when trails close.
Have a good night and thank you for visiting!