Greetings and welcome!
My web hosting company is having major problems, probably a DDOS attack. If I go off line it is probably a result of that.
The trails that I saw last night were getting pretty beat and snirty. I would rate them fair to poor.
Langlade County actually closed trails to try to keep what little that they have through our warm stretch ahead. Today only got to 31 but the sun was out. Next week looks to be mostly in the mid-30s to low 40s. Not good.
Those of you that have been with me for a while know that I hate when it gets late in the season and the sun becomes a factor. Time to ring that tired old bell again. Sunset at the December solstice is about 4:15. Yesterday it was 5:26. The length of day at the solstice is 8 hours 43 minutes. Yesterday it was 10:41, so we have picked up almost 2 hours of daylight.
Yesterday the sun angle was 34º. At the solstice it is at 21º. Thirteen degrees doesn’t sound like a lot but it maters.
The forecast models do not offer a lot of hope.
This Saturday there are radar runs on High Falls Flowage. It isn’t with the big tent but there is food and beverages available.
There is also an event in Townsend.
I wish that I had better news about the trails and weather.