Thursday 2-28-19

Greetings and welcome!

I knew when I went outside last night and saw the stars that it would be a cold one. We ended up at -19ºF. My normal winter idea has the really cold arctic air pretty much done after Valentines Day. This has been anything but a normal winter. It looks like that colder than normal air will stick around for a couple of more weeks according to the GFS. I am not seeing -19 nights, but colder than normal weather. After that the bottom drops out, but that is still two weeks away. Get it while you  can. The March sun starts getting brutal very soon.

We have a pretty decent weekend coming up for weather. We will start the show with a 1-3 or 2-4 snow Friday afternoon and Friday night. Follow that up with some mid-20s for Saturday and a high of 12 Sunday.

We have a couple of events for the weekend too. The racing event looks like a big deal, and the meat raffle is a good time for a good cause.

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The snow in the driveway was getting out of control. Yesterday I took the plow truck and hammered back some soft spots in the snow bank and shaved the sides of the hard ones, putting the snow into the new openings. To understate things a little, I was not nice to this truck at all. On one particularly hard hit to the snowbank the cap on the back slid to one side. The cap lost support and the three foot pile of snow on top of it took over, splitting the back of it and collapsing the back. Oops.

A little while later on one particularly hard hit on a 5′ snowbank I buried it. Not just a little, we are talking up to the hood and back to the doors. I haven’t dug myself out of a 5′ snowbank in a while but yesterday I proved that I still could. The source on my demise was the plow hooking a 3″ diameter tree stump that the plow jumped and settled behind. I also established that the ice base on the driveway was just over 3″ thick. Go big or go home.

The private road should be good for a couple of snows, but I have no expectation that we are done with big storms. Look at last April. I have a feeling that when this starts melting that it will be an ugly spring for getting up my private road.

Anyway, enough of yesterday’s adventures, it is time to start on today’s. Have a good Thursday and thank you for visiting!


