Greetings and welcome!
My afternoon ride was a short one. I headed out from Rapids and went north. It was a pretty rough ride and I spun it around and headed home at about McClintock Park.
The trail had not stood up to traffic well and had a gravelly (Snavel?) racing stripe down the middle most of the way. There were some bumps and rocks too. I made it about 10 miles past Brandywine and had enough.
We need more snow.
I haven’t been back toward Lakewood since Tuesday. The 1 and 1-2 trails were pretty thin but rideable, but after seeing the north trail I have lowered expectations. The honey spots along the F and F2 are probably still nice.
Right now my recommendation is to not expect much overall. It was less than a foot of snow and it has seen a week of traffic. If it gets pounded this weekend it will not be pretty, and there will be some unhappy riders. You can ride, but I would be on an unplowed forest road mission if I did.