Thursday December 3, 2009

Greetings and welcome!

Oh crap, it’s Thursday already? That caught me a little off guard, so I am not well prepared at the moment. It has been a tough day.

We are still giggling about some of the comments about the butt-ugly Christmas card looking theme that I installed Tuesday. That is one of the cool things about WordPress, I can change themes in about a minute. Don’t be surprised to see that happen until we find a good one.

Someone commented that they liked the big type font. Yeah, me too. A hot tip for you is that if you click and hold the control button on your keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel, it will zoom the page in or out.

About all that I know today is that it was cold and there were a few flurries. The daytime high had to be right around freezing. We start really making ice and frozen ground when the temp stops rising above 32F, and that is this week. The ground was cold enough to freeze up and hold the light dusting of snow.

A look at the GFS shows a chance of snow Monday that might accumulate. It should be a 1-3 or maybe a 2-4 if it goes well. Next Thursday the GFS is showing a little bigger storm. That one might be a good first snow if it goes our way.

One last thought, don’t be afraid to comment. Once your e-mail clears the spam filter and a comment gets approved once, your posts will usually show without moderation, as long as they have 2 links or less. I an still not sure that it is perfect, but it works so far.

Well, I am going to go and jump back into the grinder. Today my project was getting the best of me, and I don’t like that much.

Have a good night and thank you for visiting!