Tuesday 12-22-2020

Greetings and welcome!

Monday morning brought about 3/4″ of new snow. We are up to about 2″ on the ground.

We got skunked on the big Jupiter/Saturn convergence last night. It was too cloudy.

The big storm for tomorrow looks like a bust for us. Everything that I see right now has the low pressure tracking over far northwestern WI and Lake Superior. As you know the best snow makers for us have the low tracking between Chicago and about Sheboygan or Green Bay. That northern track of the low will put us on the warm side of the storm. That means mostly rain for us. There is a shot at a little snow on the backside of the storm but right now it looks very minimal.

The UP of Michigan on the other hand might make out like a bandit. Not only will they see some system snows, the extremely cold air behind it and the strong winds (possible gusts to 40mph plus) will likely bring some very significant lake effect snow.

This storm does not have a lot of moisture with it so I am not expecting a lot of rain with it. What we do get will likely soak into the snow and start an ice base when the temperatures crater into the low teens and single digits overnight. That same rain will likely make for some icy treacherous travel on side roads, driveways, and other hard surfaces.

The biggest story for us will likely be the wind, ice, and the dropping temperatures. I will be ready with the generator.

The storm for the 28th is not looking good for us. The latest model run has the storm showing up as a weak one that tracks over IL instead of a strong one that tracks over us. Unfortunately that puts my comment of no chance of opening trails this year into the likely valid category.

Looking at the 10 day snowfall prediction from the European model there is not much hope for a big snowfall for the next 10 days. The best part of all of that is the chance for a pleasant surprise.

That is it for this morning. Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting!