Tuesday 12/29/15

Greetings and welcome!

My travels today found me in Silver Cliff, Wausaukee, and Crivitz. Of the three Silver Cliff has the most snow. Depending on where you are it could be 6-8 or 8-10 inches.

I was surprised to see totals go down as I went east and south. Wausaukee probably had about 6″. Crivitz was a shock when I saw grass sticking up through the snow.

A delivery driver at work said that snow totals went down slightly from the Silver Cliff numbers as he went to Wabeno and Laona.

The trails in Crivitz are not ready. The trail by Jungle Jims was groomed and it looked like it laid down into a decent little base. It was hard to tell in the dark, but what I saw I liked.

It has been a crazy couple of days, so I have not had a chance to surf around and see what the clubs are saying about opening trails. I will have to save that for tomorrow.

Have a good Wednesday and thank you for visiting!