Tuesday November 30th, 2010

Greetings and welcome!

We have a cloudy damp and rainy day today. It is a lot warmer than it was late last week and over the weekend. That is good or this place would be a little icy.

The warmth and rain meeting the snow and hitting the frozen ground gave us some fog last night and this morning. It was pretty looking at it out the window, and somewhat less desirable if you were driving in it. We should be done with that as it cools off later today, but that cooling will bring the likelihood of icy roads.

The rain is from a storm that again tracked over the NW edge of Wisconsin. Northern Minnesota got the snow and we got some rain. As usual there is a chance of snow once the back of the storm comes this way with more  cold air wrapped in.

I am looking at a lot of recent storms that are taking that track, and it is happening often enough to show a pretty clear pattern. It might be an icy start to the season. We had a taste of it going with last week’s frozen slush, until yesterday’s 40-ish warmth took it back down. I am guessing that was just the warning shot.

If we see a few storms come with rain once it gets a little colder we could end up with a nice ice base early. There will be some disappointment as we watch MN get our snow, but it could pay off by giving us a base that will save weekends and make snow go a lot farther later in the season when more people are around. We had a nice start on it last week.

Also positive is the consideration that the storms have only been tracking 300 miles or so west of perfect. It wouldn’t take that much of a change when a big storm comes to have it catch us just right.

We have  a little snow possible later today and again late Saturday. Neither one is expected to amount to much.

This weekend is big for snowmobiling events! Saturday we have an antique snowmobile show with the NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders at the Gateway Bar in Crivitz. They have had this show for quite a few years now, and usually there are about 100 snowmobiles there. There is also a growing swap meet.

Just up the road a piece, Koch’s Performance is having an open house. Leon is an Eagle River Racer and has a very nice collection of pristine vintage Yamaha snowmobiles. Those will be on display, and he will be hosting other Eagle River racers for people to meet.

Again heading north.. The Bear Point Sno-Cruisers is having a mock snowmobile incident Saturday starting at 10 am at the ball diamond by the Wausaukee Fairgrounds. They will have a staged snowmobile crash complete with victims, and the Wausaukee VFD and Rescue Squads will be responding, along with the DNR. In addition to the snowmobile crash response demonstration, there will be raffles and other activities, the AWSC trailer will be there, and rumor has it the AWSC Miss Snowflake will be there too. You can sign up for snowmobile safety courses right there too.

I did get a few hours in at the shop this week, but it wasn’t on my stuff. I also got in another lap around the yard before the snow went away.  I will get back out there later this week and continue the effort of clearing the path to working on my sleds. In the meantime I’m weeks behind in my web work, and I will be working hard to catch up.

Have a good week and thank you for visiting!