Wednesday 11-30-16

Greetings and welcome!

December is only about 6 hours away and it is looking good for snowmobilers. There is a chance of light snow tonight and later in the weekend. It isn’t expected to be much. But..

Later next week things start getting very interesting on the GFS forecast model. Thursday the 8th the model is showing a strong storm with lots of precipitation and a central pressure of 988mb. Right now it is tracking about 100 miles north of ideal, but at 8 days out it is a little early to sweat that. More of interest, we are in the game.

There is another noteworthy storm behind that about the 13th & 14th, and another chance on the 16th.

If I got to write the script there would be a week of bitter cold before all of the snow came, but that is above my pay grade at the moment. For now I am just happy to see winter in sight.

This Saturday is the NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders antique snowmobile show and swap at Gateway Bar in Crivitz. The weather looks decent for it and they always have a great show with some really unique and classic snowmobiles. Here is an old page from the 2011 show.

Time to move on to other things. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!