Wednesday Feb 9th, 2011

Greetings and welcome!

Here are some pictures from my Lakewood run Monday afternoon.



I am a little concerned that the pictures may show conditions better than they are. Like Athelstane yesterday, Lakewood looked good or good enough from the road. I don’t have any issue with the pictures, but I am concerned that they may not show the thin, snirty, or sun burned spots that exist in some places.

Rider reports from Monday indicated that some of the Iron Snowshoe trails around the flowages took a beating last weekend and that the usual spots are bad. Farther north or south on the IS System conditions improved.

Work and normal stuff has kept me off of the trails this week, though I have to admit that with -25 wind chills I didn’t fight all that hard for it.

Today again looks doubtful, but I might get out. I sold the engine out of the XLT early this week and I really need to get it pulled, wrapped and shipped today. I made good headway Monday afternoon, but got stymied when I couldn’t find my clutch puller. Yesterday the world just had other ideas for my time. It really needs to be on the truck today, so the first job of the morning is to get that pulled, cleaned, packaged, and shipped.  The blue room at 3.6ºF isn’t all that appealing, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

The engine and pipes and carbs off of that one went on E-Bay last week to pay a few bills. The plan is to build another engine out of the parts that I have and return it to stock over the summer. I have to admit that the end of the last ride brought a tear to my eye, I saw a lot of good times on that set up.

The forecast is of interest at this time of year, so here is the latest look.

Not much has changed short term. It looks cold until Friday (20) and Saturday and Sunday are forecast to be 30 and 35 respectively. The GFS is holding onto the idea of light snow Sunday, the NWS is showing it partly sunny.

On the GFS for next week..

It shows the temps going above 32 on about Tuesday. I will enter the possibility of adding Sunday and Monday to that list, making it a Monday-Thursday stretch of 32 plus days. Next Thursday it looks like it cools down and we could see a 2-4 or 3-6 snow. Friday and Saturday look cold enough.

A week from Sunday it is showing a bigger storm with 4+ inches of snow possible. Wednesday the 23rd & Thursday the 24th it is showing a big storm coming with, as shown now, a foot or more of snow. We are shown in the 1-1.25″ band and close to the 1.25-1.5″ band. Use about a 12:1 conversion.

Don’t get too excited about it. It is just a long term forecast.

Well, I am off to go and dive into the day. Have a good Wednesday and thank you for visiting!