345pm- A little warm and sunny for my tastes. The TV says that Crivitz has 45, Peshtigo 47, Wabeno 37, Niagara- 43. Top temp goes to Athelstane Weather with 48.9 degrees. Help! indeed.
Noon Update-
This isn’t going well. We have 43 and mostly sunny skies.
730am-Greetings and welcome!
And so it begins…
Yesterday stayed nice and cloudy, but we hit a high of 43.
When I went to Lakewood early afternoon yesterday the trails were still pretty much intact. Even the sunny spot on the NST railroad grade by the wayside north of Lakewood that the sun always eats was still fully covered. There was one small burn spot along the road by Waubee Lake and another about a mile north of where the NST trail crosses 32 north of Townsend. That was about it.
The 40+ temps did have the trails a little sweaty. I could see some spots where the top snow on the trail was getting soft. I could see that it was getting a little darker in a lot of spots where the snow was getting slushy or soft.
One of the things that has been saving us the past few weeks is cold overnight temperatures. We would have mid or upper 30s, but go into the teens or less overnight, locking everything solid. Last night it was still 34 as of 9pm, and it finally got to 32 a little before 10. We had a low of 23. As of 7:30am it is 25 and sunny.
That sun looks like it will be a factor the next few days, along with the warm temps. Today we are looking at 42, tomorrow 44, Friday 48, and Saturday 46. Today through Friday are expected to be mostly sunny.Saturday brings clouds and a chance of some rain or snow.
It is only a forecast, but it isn’t a good one. A sunny day at this time of year can be bad, and three of them over 40 before the weekend? Ouch.
Right now we can only wait and see how it turns out.
There is a big event around the High Falls and Caldron Falls flowages area this weekend with a indoor mini-golf tournament this coming Friday and Saturday.
There are 9 bars involved, and you can golf them in any order. Saturday night there is an awards banquet with lots of door prizes at Dockside. This is the 4th annual, and it has been a pretty popular event.
Hopefully the forecast turns out sounding worse than it ends up. It would be really something to ride one more weekend, even if we have to pick our spots.
Have a good Wednesday and thank you for visiting!