Friday 1-5-18

Greetings and welcome!

We have another cold day under our belts. We are at almost -10 as I type this at 8:45pm. We had a high today of 9 degrees, but there was a fair bit of wind. We are looking at a low of -12 tonight and sun with a high of 12 Saturday. Saturday night could stay above zero, and Sunday is still on track for mid-20s and light snow.

AJ asked how much snow was on the flowage. A couple of inches, but it is pretty sturdy and compact. I had to scrub my boot to get down to the ice. I would ride it.

On the way to check the flowage I did a few trail pictures right around Boat Landing 9 and up and down Parkway a few miles.

We have a warmer week ahead and hopefully some snow. Sunday- Tuesday’s high temperatures are forecast at 24, 32, 27 respectively. The warmest day that I see is Wednesday when We could see mid-30s.

If all goes well those mid-30s would be in front of a pretty good storm that could go 4-6 plus. I will feel better about that when it is a few days closer, but at least there is finally snow in the forecast.

Here is an event for tomorrow. Hat tip to Dan Guendert on Facebook.


Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!