Greetings and welcome!
Wrap around snow from the storm brought another fluffy inch or two of snow last night and some very light snow continues to fall.
Cold temperatures last night froze in the rain on the bottom of the mess creating a nice ice base on side roads. It isn’t nice for driving, but we will be happy about it when it is time to ride.
There is easily enough snow for a skitch around the neighborhood, but nowhere close to what we need to open the snowmobile trails.
We seem to have the most snow of the areas that I have traveled. When I was in Crivitz today it only looked like they had a couple of inches. From what I saw on the TV Townsend had about the same snow total that we did, so it probably improves a little that way.
I am not sure how the lakes fared with the rain and heavy snow. To the best of my knowledge they were just getting ok to take a 4 wheeler out in certain spots. That much rain and wet heavy snow was probably not a good thing for them.
Those will come around soon. Behind the storm is a huge push of cold air out of Canada and the Arctic. By Tuesday we are looking at low teens and single digits for high temperatures right through Christmas and probably almost to New Years. Low temperatures of zero or below will not be a surprise. That will freeze stuff up, but it will take time.
Unfortunately that cold wave will shield us from bigger storms. There are a few smaller snows possible.
The snow has flocked the trees heavily. There is a very pretty winter scene anywhere that you look. I am surprised that more branches haven’t come down and caused power outages.
The storm was messy, but that ice base will help us in a few ways. Now to get ready for the cold…
Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!