Friday 2-17-2023 Weekend Event Consolidated List

Greetings and welcome!

The trails are closed but there is a lot going on this weekend. As always I encourage people to come to the area anyway and leave the sleds at home. That can end up very fun when you pick a designated driver and the rest of the crew can indulge a little at their favorite trail stops or events because they aren’t driving or riding snowmobiles. I have seen that end with a great time.

Anyway here is my consolidated events list for this weekend.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!



Near North Trail Riders– Hello all! We’ll be having a Meat and More Raffle on Saturday, March 18th, 2023 at Firelane Bar and Grill from 1:00pm to 4:00pm!
All funds raised go directly into the trails and equipment. We’ll be doing a 50/50 raffle halfway through and we’ll update with more meat-information very soon! 




Riverview Turkey Bowling-

Just south of Lakewood- Here is a link


The Glen Lake event was moved to the Amberg Pub..

Tony’s Dockside Bar and Grill
2h ·
This Saturday the 18 we are having a meat raffle to benefit the Iron Snowshoe auxiliary club starting at 2:30. There will be prime rib bacon pork loin hotdogs and much more. The best thing is 100% of the profits is donated. Come support our trail system and club!!!

It looked like they had a nice pile of meat there, it should be a good benefit.

