Friday Feb 26th, 2010


Greetings and welcome!

I only have a few things to cover here, then I am hoping to buckle it up and ride.

It is a sunny start to the day but so far not a warm one. We have peaked at 27, and the forecast is for 30. The sun is not expected to last long. The clouds are already going onshore from Lake Michigan and heading this way. They have made significant progress between when I wrote this and when I proofed it, and it shouldn’t be long now.

Last night I was surfing around trying to figure out an easy way to keep my RXLs running a little cooler on hard packed trails. Early 90s 650s were always warm blooded, and mine are no exception. I did not find my answer, but I found this. Maybe it is just what we need in these crappy El Nino years.

MissFire left a comment this morning that the NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders is having a trail ride this weekend from Racer & LanaRae’s (on W just east of Caldron Falls Rd) over to the Pines at Crooked Lake and back. This vintage ride has been a hit for many years. The old iron is great, and the people are too. The way that I remember it, newer sleds are welcome too, but you ride in back of the pack (koff koff).  Checking out this ride is highly recommended. You might even win an antique sled in a raffle. While you are down there, check out the outhouse races by Wheel Inn, almost across the road from Racer’s. My apologies for missing the vintage pinch on my event calendar.

They have dialed back snow expectations a little for tomorrow. We are still in for maybe 1/2″ by Saturday noon, about half of what was predicted before. That is a tough call for forecasters to make. Predicting energy and precip on the back of a storm is about like predicting a lava lamp. Good luck with that. At any rate there should be at least a few flurries or snow showers over the weekend. While it might not have an impact on the trails, it should be as I put it yesterday, festive. You neven know, there could be a pleasant surprise brewing too.

Well, I am off to pull the rope before I get sucked into the day’s work.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!