Friday September 27th, 2013

Greetings and welcome!

I have a couple of more snowmobile related events for this weekend. I have been posting them as I find them, so be sure to read the last couple of posts.

The Red Arrow Club in Townsend is having a Fall Fun Day tomorrow 9-28 at the Old Town Hall restaurant in Townsend from 3-7. There will be music, booyah, a meat raffle, and a bonfire.

At Skinny Dave’s they are having a benefit ride in the afternoon (register by 11, leave at noon) followed the Chute Pond Club’s Fall Dance. The dance will have live music.

Like I said, there are other events this weekend with the Dun-Good Rider, the Wausau Grass drags and swap meet, and so on. Read the last couple of posts to get them all.