Sunday November 15th, 2009

Greetings and welcome!

I am not up to speed on snowmobiling right now. I apologize. I missed posting the snow show in Green Bay last weekend and the Fall Harvest Dance with the Chute Pond Club. Help me out if you know about something, please post it in the comment section. The nice folks at the Low Buck Vintage Riders posted the following:

On Saturday, December 12th the NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders will have their vintage show & swap at the Gateway in Crivitz. It’s free to spectators. Usually have 120-150 show sleds.
The NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders promote vintage, but EVERYONE is welcome!

I checked in on the dreaded El Nino tonight and didn’t like what I saw. Temperature anomalies  in the ENSO regions have jumped about 30% in the last two weeks, and are well into the moderate zone. I am not sure how it will play out or what it means,  or even if I can associate it with all of those warm temperatures and nice days over the last few weeks. The numbers at the moment are stacking up about like 04.

There are a lot of dynamics in play, so don’t make rash judgments just yet. The above normal temps and dry weather recently came right after a lot of rain and cold in October. If October had been January we would have had a lot of snow. A WAG would be 3-6 feet. That was El Nino too. One thing that I have learned is that things don’t always turn out as expected.

I did a little quick research and came upwith some info on the Cap/Step registration plan. There is a .doc file of the AWSC site at For those of us that don’t have Word, there is a PDF version on the Suburban Sno Hawks (New Berlin)  site.

Well, I am going to run along. Please comment if you know about an event or something that I don’t have posted. I have been working hard to catch up on all of my projects, and I will eventually get to spend a little more time on the site and updating it.

Thank you for visiting and have a good week!