Greetings and welcome!
Yesterday went very well for us with cold temps and overcast skies. Almost all of the snow that fell Tuesday is still there.
The trails that I saw between here and Lakewood looked nice. Most still had a little base and the new snow brought them back to life. The RR grade in Lakewood was down to gravel and now it has about 5″ of snow on it. It won’t take long to mix that back down to gravel.
Iron Snowshoe is reporting fair trails and had a good handle on conditions.
Yes, some areas are good, but you have to get there. Anywhere that the sun got at is very thin, and some areas no base left at all. The trail along the ditch line on Highway W has a lot of standing water. Your carbides cut through on all road trails. There are bare areas and rocks and mud.
Chute Pond got 5-7″ and is reporting fair to good trails.
In the end there are a lot of good trails left, but a lot that were bare 4-6″ ago. This will likely be our last weekend of the season, it is up to you to decide if you want to tolerate the poor conditions to ride the good ones. Conditions will improve to the south where there was more snow.
We are in a cold arctic air pattern a lot like what we saw in December and January where we get the cold and don’t have much chance at more snow. The cold is good, it helps to keep the sun damage to a minimum. We are looking at a high of 32 today, 34 tomorrow, and 36 for Saturday.
At that point the sun is our biggest factor. We are looking at sunny days from now through the weekend. Hopefully the cold will mostly keep it at bay, but only time will tell.
I am hoping to be bartending at Rapids Resort one more time Saturday. If the sun eats our trails I might have to update that, but right now I am hoping for the best.
Have a good Thursday and thank you for visiting!