Tuesday 1-26-21

Greetings and welcome!

It was hard to watch the radar on the morning news this morning as southern WI and northern IL saw some fairly heavy snow. We only had an occasional stray flake.

Our next chance of snow comes Saturday and Sunday. That could be a 2-4″ snow. There are no less than 4 chances of snow on the 16 day GFS forecast model including next weekend’s. The one for about 2-4 or 2-5 looks like a bigger storm. Will it still be there in 10 days when it is supposed to come our way?

I saw yesterday that the Blue Ox trail system up in Florence Co is opening their snowmobile trails. I have not been up that way since before Christmas so I don’t know what they have there for snow.

We have some events coming up. This weekend is the Paul Bunyan Riders Snow Fun Weekend at Waubee Lake Lodge. Usually they have a fishing contest too but that got cancelled for covid.

The weekend after (Feb 6th) is the Firelane outhouse races. They have already gathered up a huge basket of booze to raffle off, along with other prizes.

I am sure that there are other events coming up, I am not very organized at the moment and running late for work so I will have to come back to that.

We have continued to have cold weather. As always that is good for building ice on the lakes and frost in the ground. Yesterday we had a high of 26 and a low of 4. Today we are up to 25 at noon and we will get into single digits tonight.

Our current snow cover is the couple of inches of slushy snow that froze into an icy base mid-month and the 3-4″ of fluffy snow that came a couple of days ago. It is enough for a ride around the yard or down un-plowed roads. It is not enough to open trails yet. The clubs have been out packing down the new snow in hopes of making a base. Trails remain closed in Marinette, Forest, Oneida, and Oconto Counties. I am not sure about Langlade, but they likely remain closed for lack of snow like everyone else.

That is about it for today. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!