Greetings and welcome,
My travels yesterday took me down F to Lakewood and north on 32 to Carter. About a mile east of Waubee lake I crossed an obvious rain snow line. The trees were much more coated and a lot less snow had shaken out of the trees than areas only a mile closer to Silver Cliff. As the sunshine passed through the branches I could see that it was ice as well as snow. Even though we had some pretty good winds shaking the snow out of the trees yesterday it was still very pretty.
Apparently it was even more so last weekend right after the snow. I will have a page of pictures sent in by long time visitor Rodger M.
Apparently there was yet another rain/snow line at about Carter. Coming into town the snow banks were visibly higher than they were a mile south of town, almost twice so.
Anyway, here are a few roadside trail pictures..
Mixerking posted a report in the comments;
Hi fellow snowmobilers I got out on my first ride of many to come and here’s what I saw : Trails north of Cty C are in very good shape. There is a wet spot south of brown jug and trail has not been groomed. Iron snowshoe needs lots of work south only from Twin Bridge past Parkway to Thorntons is groomed all the other trails are not. Tommy’s, Newton Lake Inn, Dockside, Lakeside those trails are bad and need work. East and west of Pembine is very good. Tomorrow I’m headed to Lakewood and north. If Ray will let me I’ll post that update also. Happy Trails to all Pat
Yes indeed Pat, please do, and thank you for your report. This is exactly what I envisioned the comments for. You guys can cover a lot more ground than I ever could and it is me x 1000 sets of eyes. I am all for it. There are far too many days when that work thing gets in the way, and I will take all of the help that I can get.
The light snow Sunday night did not amount to much here. There was a good dusting on the truck Monday morning, but that was about it. It was pretty when it fell.
In the weather department it looks like we have a little light snow, maybe 1-3, coming Wednesday, followed by a plunge in temps for the New Years Day holiday and the weekend. Look for highs in the 10-15 range and lows in the 0 to -5 range after the snow, and highs around 20 today and tomorrow.
Pamela asked about ice conditions. I am stuck on be very very careful. There was a fatality yesterday in Forest County when a UVT (side by side ATV) went through one of the bigger lakes. The TV said the guys saved his daughter but didn’t make it himself.
When I went past Waubee there were no shanties visible on the lake. The same held true for Townsend Flowange by Big Eagle Pizza, and there was a big bare spot, presumably either where it was open, the water had flooded up onto the ice from the weight of the snow, or had gathered from the rain. If someone knows about this firsthand please post or mail in info, a lot of people are asking.
I looked at adding a guest book to the site the other day. It would be great for people to find out that their friends and neighbors also visit the area and offer a chance for networking. At the moment it is a non-starter. Until I find one that addresses the plague of spammers and bot programs that quickly bury them, it is a no go. That is the same reason that we don’t have a message board this year.
I am going to follow this post up with a second one with some winter pictures from Roger.
Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting!