Greetings and welcome!
The big story of the morning is the cold weather. Last night Wabeno marked -19F and Crivitz marked -16. The coldest wind chills were -36 in Antigo and -43 in Wabeno. Closer to home we are in the -25 to -30 range for wind chills.
The high pressure responsible for our chilly weather is going to be with us another day or two and then get replaced by another similar wave of high pressure. There is a chance of some light snow about Thursday or Friday between the two, and that is about it for snow chances for at least a week.
Trail conditions are pretty thin right now. You can ride but there isn’t much there. We are still working with a single 6-8″ snow and a couple of dustings for accumulated snow. Oconto Co remains closed as are the Wausaukee and Crivitz trails.
The best chance that I see for accumulating snow comes about 1-6-18 when the GFS model is showing the high pressure moving out and giving way to a few storms. I sure wouldn’t mind that coming a little sooner.
Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting!