Tuesday November 27th, 2012

Greetings and welcome!

Yesterday I did my standard Monday Hwy 32 run from here (Silver Cliff) to Lakewood and north to Carter. I did some pictures along the way, and you can click them to make them bigger.

Some of the roads had a little snow left on them..

One of my usual stops where the trail goes into the Nicolet Forest just east of Waubee Lake..

The Hwy 32 RR grade looking south from the Lakewood Shell station..

The trail across from Valley Inn (not bad for out the window @ 55..)

Another reminder that Townsend Flowage is drawn down this winter and will have a lot of obstacles..

The new addition to the stable this year, a little 94 Indy Trail..

Tracks from the maiden voyage..

But it might need carbides..

As you can see I managed  a couple of laps around the front yard on the little sled. It ran good enough that I even ran it to the back field to check on the well house.  It is going into the single digits tonight (5º as of 11pm Monday), and I had to check it, and it was a good excuse to go a little farther on my ride.

This is a copy n paste from yesterday’s update, reminding you about the vintage show in Crivitz this Saturday..

This coming weekend brings a great snowmobiling event. This Saturday, Dec 1st, is the 9th annual NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders vintage snowmobile show and swap. It is held at Gateway Bar in Crivitz, and is free for spectators and swap vendors.

The show is a highly recommended event. They have really grown it over the years, and there are always a lot of really nice vintage sleds there. The swap meet usually holds some treasures too. Last year I scored some hard to find wheels for the RXLs for a couple of bucks each, and there were a few sub-$500 antique sleds that I really wanted to bring home with me. It is a good show and a great way to kick off the season.

I haven’t been past Caldron Falls in a couple of days, but I would expect that it is freezing over. Townsend Flowage had ice all of the way across. Waubee Lake had a big ice shelf right by the Beach Club, but wasn’t frozen across yet. Tonight could change that or at least make progress.

That’s news for tonight. Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting!


I just saw Slugs comment from yesterday..

Ray I’m up in the Ironwood area and some of the trails south of here back towards Mercer were Paned down. I’m sure they were frezing the swamps. Must have a foot of snow in some areas up here. Can’t say when the trails will really open.

Thanks Slug!