Greetings and welcome!
The snow the other day added up to more than I reported when later waves came after after I posted. It ended up being between 2-3 when the last waves came through with some bigger flakes. Consequently the sun knocked it down a little. Snow is snow, keep it coming.
I am wrapping up a big project, and have been pulling some really really long hours. I haven’t been out of the house much, so I don”t have anything to report for trails. With the recent cold weather it was well timed.
We have a cold day ahead today(12/0), and then things will warm up into the mid-20s. Thursday is when I will pull the rope and go for a ride. I hope to escape later today and at least get a look around.
In the longer term I don’t see any big storms before the first of the year. There are some smaller chances for snow, and pretty seasonal weather in general.
I’ll be back when I know something. Have a good day and thank you for visiting!