Greetings and welcome!
We have a little snow falling this afternoon. It started about 6am and it has been snowing lightly since. I would put totals at a little under 2″ right now. The NWS is looking for 5″ today and 1″ possible tonight. The storm seems to have some dry air mixed in, so totals might be a little lower.
There is a storm for the weekend to talk about. That is a pretty decent sized storm, and the rain/snow line will be an issue. Right now the timing of it changing over is not anything that we can bet on.
What I see is a little light snow to get it started early Saturday morning, followed by a break in the precip. Saturday late day and overnight is when the rain/snow line will be an issue, followed by heavy snow once it changes over. It is a powerful late winter storm, so there will be some wind and a pretty good amount of some kind of precipitation. On the GFS model we are in the 1-2″ band for rainfall equivalent. How much of that is rain and snow here will make the difference between six inches and twelve. With the rain/snow line close expect wet heavy snow. Chris the rider in Green Bay will probably have to go north to get out of the rain.
The NEW Low Buck Vintage Riders is having a ride Saturday coming out of Jungle Jim’s. Here is the info on their FaceBook page.
Have a good Wednesday and thank you for visiting!
Sassy Sara’s Safari Ride
Contact person for the ride is Sara Oswald ( See FB page for contact info)
Anyone looking for fun and adventure! Come out and participate in the ride! Clues will be given for items that need to be found. Dust off the oldies (come & participate even if you don’t have one), we won’t judge you! But points are given to the age of your sled. Hope to see you there!
Thanks to Jungle Jim’s for hosting this event! It’s is a very busy & popular stop on the trail! Some parking is available in the business lot. But, there’s been so much snow! The banks are getting higher and the parking area is getting smaller. Jungle Jim’s owner, Alan Walsh, advises the people coming for Sassy Sara’s Safari Ride may park across the road by the church for the afternoon. BUT….all vehicles and trailers must be moved by 5:00 PM. No exceptions!
Get your safari gear out and dusted off! A new fun club event on Feb. 23rd! Sassy Sara’s Safari Ride will leave from and return to Jungle Jim’s Pub & Grub on HWY C in Silver Cliff. Ride begins at 11:00 AM. Please come into the bar to get signed up and to get your sheet listing the clues you’ll need to find the hidden objects. The trail section is a loop of about 25 miles. Riders will go out on their own to cover the predetermined trail and find the objects along that trail. Riders will be allowed 2 1/2 hours to seek the items. No bar hopping or poker run involved. Just ride the designated trail, look for clues, record the information and return to Jungle Jim’s. There will be raffle drawings and prizes will be awarded. Jungle Jim’s has great food & drinks! Riders will be able to order off the menu. Riders are responsible for their own food & beverages.
This is an official N.E.W. LOW BUCK VINTAGE RIDE, organized by club members and sponsored by the club, not to be confused with other vintage rides and events in the area. As always, everyone is welcome to participate in the fun, don’t need to be a club member, don’t need a vintage sled (but it’s more fun if you do). Just be sure your sled (whatever age it is) has a current and proper registration and a 2019 Trail Pass if it’s required.